




교육과정과목번호, 교과목명, 교과목명(영문), 과정구분, 이수구분, 시간, 학점, 비고로 구성된 교육과정 안내표
과목번호 교과목명 교과목명(영문) 이수구분 학점
51759 논문연구 Thesis Research 공통필수 2
51760 법철학연구 Seminar on Philosophy of Law 공통필수 3
51761 법학방법론 Methodology of Jurisprudence 공통필수 3
51808 가사소송법연구 Studies in Domestic Relations Adjudication 전공선택 3
51803 가족법연구 Study of Family Law 전공선택 3
51809 강제집행법연구 Studies Enforcement of Judgment 전공선택 3
51824 개별적근로관계법연구 Law of Individual Relations of Labor 전공선택 3
51834 경제법연구 Study of Economic Law 전공선택 3
51835 경제법판례연구 Case Study of Economic Law 전공선택 3
51799 계약법연구 Study of Law of Contracts 전공선택 3
51789 국가책임제도론 Studies in International Responsibility 전공선택 3
51821 국제거래법연구 Study of International Trade Law 전공선택 3
51836 국제경제법연구 Study of International Economic Law 전공선택 3
51787 국제법판례연구 Case Study of International Law 전공선택 3
51792 국제인권법연구 Studies in International Human Rights 전공선택 3
51788 국제조직법연구 Studies in International Institutions 전공선택 3
51840 국제환경법연구 Study of International Environmental Law 전공선택 3
51828 근로기준법연구 Study of Labor Standards Law 전공선택 3
51764 기본권론 Theory of Civil Rights 전공선택 3
51823 노동기본권연구 Studies in Fundamental Rights of Labor 전공선택 3
51826 노동법판례연구 Case Study of Labor Law 전공선택 3
51829 노동쟁의조정제도연구 Studies in Settlement of Labor Disputes 전공선택 3
51797 담보물권법연구 Study of Law of Secured Property 전공선택 3
51796 물권법연구 Study of Law of Property 전공선택 3
51801 물권법판례연구 Case Study of Law of Property 전공선택 3
51805 민사소송법연구 Studies in Civil Procedure 전공선택 3
51806 민사소송법판례연구 Case Studies in Civil Procedure 전공선택 3
51779 범죄론연구 Studies in Criminality 전공선택 3
51784 범죄학연구 Studies in Criminology 전공선택 3
51837 법경제학연구 Study of in Law and Economics 전공선택 3
51815 보험법연구 Study of Insurance Law 전공선택 3
51827 부당노동행위연구 Studies in Unfair Labor Practice 전공선택 3
51800 불법행위법연구 Study of Law of Torts 전공선택 3
51830 비교노동법연구 Comparative Study of Labor Law 전공선택 3
51833 비교사회보장법연구 Comparative Study of Social Security Law 전공선택 3
51817 비교상사법연구 Comparative Study of Commercial Law 전공선택 3
51770 비교헌법론 Comparative Study of Constitutional Law 전공선택 3
51795 사법일반이론 General Theory of Private Law 전공선택 3
51767 사법제도론 Studies in Judicial System 전공선택 3
51831 사회보장법연구 Study of Social Security Law 전공선택 3
51832 사회보장법판례연구 Case Study of Social Security Law 전공선택 3
51811 상법기본이론 Principles of Commercial Law 전공선택 3
51812 상법판례연구 Case Study of Commercial Law 전공선택 3
51818 상사특별법연구 Study of Special Commercial Law 전공선택 3
53535 석사연구프로젝트 Master’s Research Project 전공선택 3
51810 섭외사법연구 Study of Conflict of Laws 전공선택 3
51819 세법연구 Study of Tax Law 전공선택 3
51820 세법판례연구 Case Study of Tax Law 전공선택 3
51782 수사법연구 Study of Law of Criminal Investigation 전공선택 3
51814 유가증권법연구 Study of Law of Commercial Papers 전공선택 3
51765 의회제도론 Studies in Legislature Institutions 전공선택 3
51807 재판외분쟁해결절차연구 Studies in Alternative Dispute Resolution 전공선택 3
51793 전쟁법연구 Study of Law of War 전공선택 3
51768 정당선거제도론 Stusies in Political Parties and Elections 전공선택 3
51766 정부제도론 Studies in Government Institutions 전공선택 3
51790 조약법연구 Studies in Treaties 전공선택 3
51783 증거법연구 Studies in Criminal Evidence 전공선택 3
51822 증권거래법연구 Study of Securities Regulation 전공선택 3
51804 지적재산권법연구 Study of Law of Intellectual Property 전공선택 3
51825 집단적노사관계법연구 Law of Collective Relations of Labor 전공선택 3
51798 채권법연구 Study of Law of Obligations 전공선택 3
51802 채권법판례연구 Case Study of Law of Contracts and Torts 전공선택 3
51777 특별행정작용법연구 Studies on Special Administrative Actions 전공선택 3
51781 특별형법연구 Study of Special Criminal Laws 전공선택 3
51785 특수범죄론 Studies in Special Crimes 전공선택 3
51794 항공우주법연구 Study of Law of Aviation and Space 전공선택 3
51816 해상법연구 Study of Maritime Law 전공선택 3
51791 해양법연구 Study of Law of the Sea 전공선택 3
51774 행정강제법연구 Law of Administrative Execution 전공선택 3
51775 행정구제법연구 Law of Administrative Remedies 전공선택 3
51771 행정법판례연구 Case Study of Administrative Law 전공선택 3
51773 행정작용법연구 Law of Administrative Action 전공선택 3
51776 행정절차법연구 Law of Administrative Procedures 전공선택 3
51772 행정조직법연구 Law of Administrative Organization 전공선택 3
51786 행형법연구 Studies in Criminal Administration 전공선택 3
51762 헌법기본연구 Principles of Constitutional Law 전공선택 3
51769 헌법재판론 Studies in Constitutional Adjudication System 전공선택 3
51763 헌법판례연구 Case Study of Constitutional Law 전공선택 3
51780 형벌론연구 Studies in Punishment 전공선택 3
51778 형사판례연구 Case Study of Criminal Law 전공선택 3
51838 환경법연구 Study of Environmental Law 전공선택 3
51839 환경법판례연구 Case Study of Environmental Law 전공선택 3
51813 회사법연구 Study of Corporation Law 전공선택 3